2517 Krueger Lane
Tampa, FL 33618
We take great pride in happy customers. Here is what a few business owners have to say: In today's world, it's hard to find individuals in business who treat you like they used to in the old days, with a smile, with interest, with honesty and with integrity. John Jeter from Cool-Aid not only services our multimillion dollar 75,000sf ft. facility in Tampa, but he once offered to go to my house [...]
We take great pride in happy customers. Here is what a few homeowners have to say: In today's world, it's hard to find individuals in business who treat you like they used to in the old days, with a smile, with interest, with honesty and with integrity. John Jeter from Cool-Aid not only services our multimillion dollar 75,000sf ft. facility in Tampa, but he once offered to go to my house [...]